Monday, January 14, 2019

Dennis Bennett - The 63rd Met Pitcher

     Dennis Bennett was acquired from the Boston Red Sox in exchange for Al Yates and Cash on June 24th, 1967.  Bennett had fallen out of favor in Boston and the Mets were desperate for a lefty pitcher. Bennett struggled during his brief stay in New York, posting a 1-1 record with a 5.13  ERA.   He was demoted to AAA Jacksonville after only a month on the team.   Bennett was known as a free spirit who's off the field activities affected his on the field performance.   Believe it or not, he was thrown through a car windshield three times during his life.   Dennis passed away on March 24th 2012 at the age of 72.

     The first ball was purchased via eBay.   I picked up the second ball from a collector.  I liked how the ink was a bit darker.   Signed Bennett balls tend to be somewhat rare and usually aren't cheap.  

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