Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dallas Green - The 50th Met Pitcher

Happy New Year!  I've missed a couple days and hope to get a couple in today.

     Dallas Green's contract was purchased from the Phillies on July 22nd, 1966.  His Mets playing career was very short, playing in only 4 games.  Dallas compiled a 5.40 ERA over 5 innings.  Nineteen days later, he was returned to the Phillies, possibly for cash?  Of course, we would get a second dose of the controversial Dallas Green in 1993, as skipper of the Mets.  The team wasn't very good at the time, but Dallas held the job for four seasons, compiling a 229-283 record with no playoff berths.  Dallas passed away on March 22, 2017.

     Both balls were purchased off of eBay.  I watched auctions and was able to find great deals.  There seems to be plenty of Dallas Green balls out there, despite his passing.

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